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Policlinico University Hospital Verona, Italy.
The programme is run by one of the foremost universities in Italy.
The Orthopaedic Department of the University of Verona (based at the Policlinico Hospital) has an international reputation for trauma surgery and limb reconstruction. In addition to getting a broad foundation in general Orthopaedics, the training here covered the management and surgery of multiply injured patients, open limb injuries and complex peri- and intra-articular limb fractures.
In this period I gained experience in non-operative and operative techniques of trauma care, with special emphasis on minimally invasive methods.
The Orthopaedic department at the Policlinico University Hospital was notable for providing a wide exposure to the use of external fixation techniques in trauma and limb reconstruction. The unit has for introduced innovations in this field and was at the forefront of the concept of ‘damage control surgery’.
The experience during my residency programme encouraged my interest in limb trauma and reconstruction.
Fellow in Limb reconstruction at the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital and Alder Hey Children’s hospital U.K.
(October 2001-July 2002)
This training has broadened my experience in the field of trauma and limb reconstruction. I was a Limb reconstruction fellow under the supervision of Mr Selvadurai Nayagam who is one of the most respected Limb reconstruction Surgeons in the UK and Internationally.
I was exposed to the use of circular external fixators for trauma and deformity correction, bone infection, non union surgery and limb lengthening surgery.
I was also introduced in a team approach to the delivery of care for complex trauma, involving specialist nurses, therapists and medical staff from other disciplines (notably Plastic Surgery, Radiology and Medical Microbiology).
My Fellowship has been further enhanced by my involvement in research.
Fellow in Trauma Surgery, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital, U.K.
I had the opportunity to work for a year as a trauma fellow in one of the busiest trauma units in the North West of England.
During that period I was able to refine my knowledge and surgical skills in complex trauma including managing patients with multiple injuries, open fractures, complex periarticular fractures I improved my knowledge in managing complex hip fractures, and both upper and lower limb injuries.
Consultant in Orthopaedics and Trauma, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital, U.K.
(Locum position from 2004-2007. Since then substantive).
These successive appointments have assisted my development as a trauma and limb reconstruction surgeon. I led a trauma service with a group of patients directly under my care and developed the skills for management in a rapidly changing NHS.
I was responsible for the organisation of the junior doctors and contribute to the administration of the Consultants on-call rota. I have fulfilled the role of consent lead for the department, Map of Medicine lead, Enhanced recovery lead.
Visiting surgeon Department of Trauma Surgery, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, St. Vinzenz- Hospital, Cologne, Germany.
(March 2005)
This was a group visit with my collegues Durai Nayagam and Badri Narayan, arranged in order to gain exposure in novel techniques of management of complex injuries of the elbow and wrist as well as post-injury joint stiffness.
The leading surgeon at the unit, Professor Dietmar Pennig, has pioneered several innovations in the field of trauma. The Pennig method of treatment of elbow stiffness has been introduced in the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals after our visit in Cologne and has benefitted many patients with severe injuries and post-traumatic stiffness.
I had also the opportunity to learn from Professor Penning and Dr Konrad Mader who is an extremely gifted and innovative upper limb surgeon a variety of novel techniques in upper limb trauma. and gain exposure on the use of implants such as fragment specific plates in the wrist and elbow designed by
these surgeons.
I had exposure to their advanced techniques well before they went to become popularised widely in trauma surgery in specialist centres. With Dr Mader we have continued a collaboration with exchange of visits between our units and invitations for lectures on International scientific meetings.
Visiting Surgeon Program Campbell Clinic, Elvis Presley Level 1 trauma Center, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
(Oct – Nov 2005)
This is one of the premier Orthopaedic and Trauma units in the USA. I attended under the tutelage of Professor Emeritus Thomas Russell, who is an ex Orthopaedic trauma Association president, one of the greatest innovators and respected Trauma oriented Orthopaedic surgeons in the world.
I learned a lot from him in the use of internal fixation techniques for long bone and peri-articular fractures. I also gained exposure on modern techniques in the management of pelvic fractures.
Visiting Surgeon Program Trauma Surgery Department, Bergmannsheil, Uninersitätsklinik, Bochum, Germany.
I undertook a secondment with one the busiest trauma units in Europe. The University Hospital of Bochum is the first designated trauma centre in Germany and the exposure I had there was focused in the management of politrauma patients, pelvic injuries and periprosthetic fractures in osteoporotic individuals.
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